Thursday, September 28, 2006

interview season is here . . . well, almost

i guess having a brother who has gone through the application, interview, match (unmatch), scramble, and residency, i have someone to ask when i'm feeling overwhelmed, confused, or both.

with interview season, coming along, he shares his wisdom of interviews with me, which i will share now. his interview season started kinda late since he applied late. he shares with me his interview experience as well as his experience with interviewing applicants to residency programs.

1. always be nice to the program coordinator. these are the people that first screens the applications. many PDs also asks their opinion in regards to how the applicant presented himself or herself.

2. Ask questions. Noquestions=not interested. But do not ask stupid questions. Inquire about the curriculum, the balance of work and personal life, the facilities, outside rotations, etc. Do not ask about benefits. At least, do not put too much emphasis on the benefits, vacations, and compensation. It is the curriculum/training that you should be most interested about.

3. Always have a pen ready. Not just any pen, but a nice one. it is not very impressive to have to take out a pent that looksl ike it was givenaway on a pharmaceutical lecture or promotion.

4. Be talkative. Be friendly, outgoing. You want to present yourself that you are able to get along well with people. You also want to present that you can communicate effectively.

5. Dress appropriately.

6. Do not be late.

7. Make sure you remember names.

8. Don't forget the thank-you cards.

9. Don't pass up the opportunity to spend time with the residents, whether in a set activity, dinner, or a chance to observe them in action.

10. Know your CV well and be ready to explain any point raised about it.

11. Orient yourself to the area: tourist information, hospital info, etc.

12. Know SOMETHING about the program. It does not sit well that you applied to a program but know nothing about it. Be INFORMED.

13. Mind your manners.

14. Be aware of body language.

15. Confirm your interview. If possible, get in touch with program coordinator and work out details of your interview, whether it be a short event or a day-long, sometimes even a weekend event.

Hmmmmn. I know there are more, but I'm drawing a blank. I guess, that's it for now.


Blogger Arnab Basu said...

adding you to me favorites list. informative blog! [:)] !

btw.. has interview count crossed a dozen yet ? your english is very good!

and umm.. dare i ask.. why the name! ?

7:29 AM  

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