Saturday, September 02, 2006

first day MATCH chaos

it's the end of the first day of application of match 2007. already you would've noticed tha many (countless!) posts regarding this application process.

What to do with the MSPE?
why haven't my application been downloaded?
How long till i get an interview?
How come my documents aren't uploaded?
how come my documents aren't scanned?
Whya re my LORs missing?

etc. etc.

people begin to panic. people aren't sure if what they are doing are correct. in a way i'm glad i have to wait a few more days. and i'm glad for forums. because when it comes for my time, i will know what to do. or at least some clue.

this is why forums are so helpful. some questions can be very ridiculous. but others are real helpful. in the case that i encounter the same problems, i will have an idea of what to do. or what to expect.

do not underestimate forums. it can be helpful in a lot of ways. but remember tot ake it with a grain of salt

Friday, September 01, 2006


"Our records indicate that you have already passed this Step or Step Component or the equivalent NBME® Part."
Those are the words that i have been waiting to read for over 4 weeks now. I really thought that i would have 2 more weeks of waiting for my STEP 2 CK results. whew! At least, my waiting time has been shortened. However, i guess i should've mailed my documents to ECFMG sooner. Had i known, i would've. But there's nothing i could do about it now. I will have to wait some more now for my documents to be scanned before i can apply for the match. Oh well, a few more days won't kill me. I'm sure those programs would have to wait just a few days longer for my application.
The OASIS trick has always been somewhat unnerving. You hate to think that IWA will let you apply. Yet you long for those words: "Our records indicate that you have already passed this Step or Step Component or the equivalent NBME® Part." It is somewhat bittersweet to have to wait so long yet read those words. I guess waiting isn't so bad. Now, onto the match. At least when my documents have been scanned and uploaded, that is. Sigh.
For those that do not know how to do the OASIS trick, I'll give you a (very) brief breakdown:
1. Check OASIS for when your score has been reported.
2. If your score has been reported, try to apply for that same exam at IWA.
3. If you pass, you will read those wonderful words mentioned above. If you do not see those words and it lets you apply, it is not necessarily the end of the world. Nothing is final until you have taht piece of paper (your score result) in your hands.
* the oasis trick is not an exact science. although there seems to be a high degree of accuracy in pass/fail, it is not always correct. best wait for the official test score in the mail.

the thing with forums

forums, i believe, can be a useful tool. however, sometimes, it can be full of shit. all i know is that when i go through it, i take it with a grain of salt.

how i wish i can be like the countless many that score 99s in the exams. which makes you wonder, how hard exaclty are the exams if people are getting 99s left and right. this is why you must view forums with a grain of salt.

the thing i like most about forums is that if you've got a question, someone out htere is bound to be nice enough to answer them. OR if you've got some concerns, someone must've already asked it.

and someone out there is going through exactly (almost) what you are going through.

there are numerous forums that deal with USMLE exams, matching, and residency concerns. you are bound to find one that would suit your preference. they can be helpful. they can give much needed insight in a very bleak and dull day. sometimes, it can give a little amusement. many times, i t can rattle your brain with numerous questions that help guide you in your studies.

but again, with a grain of salt.

lately, the forums i've been into a quite a few times are:

there are a few more but i can't seem to remember them at the moment. I'm sure others have visited much more. i'll add on to this w hen i can

Thursday, August 31, 2006

insight #1

today is the last day of august. and to all those that know, september 1 is a crucial day, for us that will join the NRMP match, that is.

unfortunately for me, the complex process of applying to programs doesn't start until my scores are reported. just as well, i haven't started my personal statement. it was a blessing in disguise somewhat. kinda sucks also that i have to hold my breath until i read that marvelous score reported date on OASIS. hope i don't turn blue and black out from all this waiting.

i think one of the hardest part of this whole process is waiting. we seem to do a lot of waiting in this USMLE journey. weeks of waiting for a score report will drive any sane person mad!

but in the meantime, i have decided to start this blog. this blog will be my best friend for the next few months anyway. at least to provide some outlet while i go through this USMLE process and, hopefully, a sucessful match.